Noticias & Eventos

15 May 2024

Un diseño finlandés gana el concurso internacional Red Dot

Merivaara se complace en anunciar que sus nuevas lámparas médicas, Merivaara Q-Flow 1 y Q-Flow 2, han sido galardonadas con el prestigioso premio Red Dot Product Design Award para 2024.

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29 Ene 2024

Las avanzadas lámparas médicas de Merivaara ayudan a agilizar los cuidados médicos postovídicos

Merivaara has added new medical lights to its award-winning Q-Flow family. Lights are in high demand worldwide as medical professionals strive to shorten post-Covid waiting lists.

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01 Jun 2022

Merivaara pasa a formar parte del grupo finlandés Lojer

El fabricante finlandés de mobiliario hospitalario Lojer Corp. es el nuevo propietario de Merivaara Corp.

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20 Ene 2022

New member to the award-winning Q-Flow surgical light family

Q-Flow Fluent surgical light is for customers with emphasis on simplicity, durability, and high level of hygiene in their operating rooms, but still with expectations of a world class surgical...

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08 Nov 2021

La marca Design from Finland otorgada a Merivaara

Los equipos y soluciones médicas de Merivaara cuentan con la marca Design from Finland, que proporciona a los usuarios la prueba de la excelencia del diseño finlandés.

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24 Ago 2021

Designing innovative solutions for better healthcare and a healthier population since 1901

The Oriele Journal article about how Merivaara is designing innovative solutions for healthcare.

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